"I, Romeo, take you, Juliet, to be my-" "Okay and we're done there, my turn." Interrupted Juliet, "I, will faithfully endure your constant whimpering and complaints about anything slightly momentous of which I have no concern, due to the fact that you are a piteous lummox in need of constant comforting and company. Unfortunately, even though I love you, I will be forced to deal with your repetitive downcast of unworthy comments and phrases every single day for the trillions of moments that await my life."
"That was lacking some, er, distinguished figures. Moving on." stated Friar Lawrence. "Romeo, may I request you announce yours?"
"Ay, Juliet, I promise to always be the one you demand at your presence. Be there a fortnight I am not present, you will be forever distraught to do my absence, for I will not return. I am yours, and your are mine, forever will I be there for you, and listen. How I love thee!"
"Ay! Thee is unbearable to listen to, and thee never seems to disband from talking, but I will deal with thee if it means love."
"Ho! Forever, my faithful!" Stated Romeo.
"Ay, unfortunately, I chose not to write any, seeing as your are unworthy." Announced Juliet.
"Madam," interrupted the Friar, "That is very disgruntling, with the absence of vows, the wedding seems non-existent."
"Oh, shall I make them now, I will see it as worthy," Replied Juliet
"Ay," stated the Friar.
"Romeo, I love you, you're boring, and fun, and repetitive, and different. Ay! I am finished."
"Fine," said the Friar, "I will now wed thee to one another."